Soccer Stadium Complex / 足球場與複合式建築

The project is a Soccer Complex Stadium located at San Jose, Costa Rica, soccer is Costa Rica's national sport, desiging a unique stadium space that can be experienced by everyone become our first intention. Due to the low-rise block housing around the site, we use flying and mega structure as a concept to lift partial of the stadium complex. This attempt can make people experiencing spaces in height, and watching soccer games during shopping wihout weather affection.

本案為位於哥斯大黎加首都, 聖荷西的足球館. 足球是哥斯大黎加的國球, 希望設計可讓所有人體驗足球賽的場館. 概念是運用超大結構形體將足球場, 商場及旅館進行整合. 因基地環境四周皆為低矮建物, 希望藉由飛行的概念, 讓人們體驗前所未有的空間經驗, ㄧ來可以讓人在逛街中,往下看到部分球賽, 也可以利用商場空間提供足球場館不受天候影響.
